C2 and C3
On the 8th of April there was a Total Solar Eclipse that crossed the Pacific Ocean off Mexico, traversed the USA, into Canada, before setting over the Atlantic Ocean. After switching plans based on the last minute weather reports, I decided on Vermont instead of Dallas. While totally overcast in the few days before the eclipse, there were clear skies all day, right up to the eclipse. Some slight high thin cloud did pass by just before the totality, but thankfully this was not enough to prevent spectacular views of the Corona.
The eclipse lasted 3mins 17s from my location, and clearly visible were bright extending prominence's on the Solar edge. While I took some pictures during the last moments of the Sun disappearing and re-appearing behind the Moon, I managed to manually fire off a sequence of differing exposures which I was able to combine to show the Solar Corona in all its glory.
Contact 2 and Contact 3 is when the Moons just completely covers the left edge of the Sun, and then when the Moon just moves away from covering the right edge of the Sun. While these moments are only just over 3mins apart, the Moon covers and uncovers the edges of the Solar disk, allowing more of each sides prominence's to shine through. In this image I have combined the best uncovered view of each side to show the Solar Chromosphere and Prominences. Both shots are 1/2000 ISO 200 and F/10 tracked through my Takahashi FSCB600mm.
Note: All our prints are printed on Baryta 325g Paper, which is an excellent paper for framing. The paper is a gloss type, which gives very vivid colour views.