Would you like to see the highest resolution image ever made of a constellation by an amateur?
On August the 15th, I'll be displaying the Orion mega mosaic at Astronomy Ireland's Star-B-Q at Roundwood in Wicklow!
This is a photo with over 400 hours of exposure, more than the famous Hubble deep field galaxy image. 4 years of work and many months of post processing were needed to complete the photo. The result is a 34 pane, full-frame mosaic at 0.53m of resolution. The Horse Head, Orion, Flame, and Running Man nebulae have higher resolution data added of 1.0m.
Enjoy getting up close to these objects with the 48x27 (1.2m x 0.7m) framed version that will be on show!
More details of the event can be found on the Astronomy Ireland Star-B-Q page