All my photographs below are available to purchase as high-quality prints from this online store.
Photo collections
Featured images
Postage and Packaging for Prints (Framed and Unframed)
Framed Prints - Postage and Packaging charges - Unfortunately due to Covid-19 restrictions, I am unable to provide framed prints for sale from the online store, but will do so later this year once restrictions are lifted.
Prints - Postage and Packaging charges - Prints are also available to purchase at my exhibitions and lectures. You can find the shipping pricing for postage & packaging in the 'FAQ' page on this site (see the menu) which gives details of P&P pricing per region.
Please note: The tubes used for packaging the larger sized prints are re-enforced cardboard tubes.

How to contact me
I can be contacted at with any queries on imaging, processing, and of course about any of the photos available for sale on the site.
My award-winning pictures have been published in the following magazines; Astronomy Irelands' "Astronomy and Space", The BBC's "The Sky At Night", "Astronomy Now", the French "Astronomie Magazine", and "Practical Astronomer".